Society News

The latest information on socially relevant topics such as gambling law and regulation, cultural trends and international events.

An unsuspecting migrant worker from the Chinese city of Baoding loaned out three credit cards in his name to offset a debt he owed. He was arrested for the illegal sale of credit cards down the line, much to his surprise criminal gangs had used these cards to launder money...

Following announcements from Prime Minister Boris Johnson and First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, England and Scotland...

As tensions rise ahead of the government’s upcoming review of the 2005 Gambling Act, it...

Asia is a continent that offers gamblers unlimited gambling options, but one country is setting...

In a recent study, close to three-quarters of respondents voted that they would prefer being...

Professional con-artist, serial fraudster and betting scam architect Peter Foster has been running multi-million dollar...

One of the region’s biggest gamblers – considered a VIP customer at several large casinos...

Raids have been performed by Austrian financial authorities in a bid to reduce illegal gambling...

The Japanese anime culture is popular across the world, and since the 1980’s it has...

A survey in France investigating the gambling habits of its citizens has found a drop...

Following in a sharp rise in cases of online gambling scams the Philippines gaming regulator,...

The National Lottery has launched a new ad campaign, using a nostalgic slogan from the...

After a number of pushes toward legal gambling from a number of different directions, Brazil’s...

Sir Richard Branson will no longer be putting in a bid to run the National...