GambleAware’s Report for NGSN Looks Very Promising

GambleAware recently released its yearly statistics report for the National Gambling Support Network (NGSN). On the whole, the report is positive as the number of people receiving treatment for gambling-related problems has increased compared to the 2022-23 report.

A Drawing of a Brain and a Sun Shining

An increase in the number of people treated for gambling problems has been seen. © RosZie, Pixabay

12% Increase in People Receiving Treatment for Gambling Issues

More people are getting treated for gambling problems, according to GambleAware’s statistics report for the National Gambling Support Network (NSGN), which is released every year. It covers other key trends and figures as well as people who have received treatment.

According to the 2023-24 report, which covers 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024, a total of 10,754 people received treatment for various gambling-related problems. This is an increase of 12% compared to the 2022-23 report.

Key Statistics from the Report

The 10,754 received treatment through one of three different tiers, each of which offers different types of help and support based on the individual’s needs. These tiers are as follows:

  • Tier Two: This involves early intervention and speaking to a trained professional; a total of 3,291 people received this level of support.
  • Tier Three: This tier is a step up from the previous one, offering more specialised services such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), group treatment and one-to-one sessions. The number of people who received help at Tier Three was 6,931.
  • Tier Four: The most advanced tier, which involves a person staying at a residential treatment centre. This level of help was given to 532 people.

Another important statistic worth pointing out is that of the people on Tiers Three and Four, 15% had sought help because of someone else’s gambling problem. This is a greater percentage than the five-year average of 13%.

This is encouraging because it shows that people are becoming more aware of other people’s gambling habits. They’re also more capable of spotting signs of gambling-related problems.

There’s also the fact that of those who completed a course of treatment, 95% said that things had improved for them. 70% of people seeking treatment were male and the most common age group was 30-39.

Half of those who sought help got an appointment within six days. Three-quarters were offered an appointment within 12 days of requesting one. These are encouraging signs that people are able to get help quickly.

Comment on the Results and Looking Forward

GambleAware’s Chief Commissioning and Strategy Officer, Anne Hargrave, has said the following about the report:

Not only have we reached more people, we have been able to identify and support people at a much earlier stage and that is part of the reason why we have seen an increase in people receiving treatment and support.Anne Hargrave, GambleAware Comments on 2023-24 Treatment Report, Gambling Insider

She also explained how new commissioning arrangements launched in 2023 enabled the National Gambling Support Network to offer early intervention and prevention services alongside treatment. The NGSN has been able to reach more people and promote responsible gambling more effectively.

There’s a very good chance that future reports will continue to have positive results. This is because the Labour government announced a £100 million levy on gambling companies, with the money funding treatment, education and research efforts.

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