BGC Fighting Against the Greyhound Racing Ban in Wales

The BGC is very much against Wales’ upcoming ban on greyhound racing, saying it’s going ahead for the wrong reasons.

Greyhounds Taking Part in a Race

Wales’ greyhound racing ban criticised. © MICHOFF, Pixabay

Key Facts:

  • Wales to enforce a ban on greyhound racing as soon as possible
  • A petition in favour of the ban has received more than 35,000 signatures
  • The BGC claims the ban is only being put in place to satisfy campaigners

Wales is soon to introduce a ban on greyhound racing. The government feels such a ban is in the public’s interest after a petition in favour of it received more than 35,000 signatures. Animal welfare has been cited as a reason for going ahead with the ban.

Huw Irrance-Davies, the Welsh Deputy First Minister, has said the following about the upcoming ban:

We also note what is happening in other countries across the world who are taking steps to ban this activity. As a result, I believe that now is the right time to move to ban greyhound racing in Wales. We are proud to be the first nation in the UK to do this.Huw Irrance-Davies, Welsh Deputy First Minister, Welsh Government Comments on Upcoming Greyhound Racing Ban, SBC News

He wants greyhound racing to be stopped as soon as possible, but understands that it’s better for both the dogs themselves and people working in the industry if there’s a gradual wind-down and things are slowly brought to an end.

This should give greyhound owners and those who have jobs in greyhound racing time to find other jobs. It should also give owners enough time to ensure their dogs are protected and that their welfare is prioritised.

The Betting and Gaming Council’s Reaction

The Betting and Gaming Council (BGC) is said to be disappointed with the Welsh Government’s decision. It claims that the decision to enforce the ban has only been made to satisfy campaigners. A BGC spokesperson has said the following about the matter:

Greyhound racing is a working-class sport, enjoyed by thousands, and this draconian move will cost jobs, hurt the economy, while depriving people of a long-established and legitimate source of joy. BGC members are proud to support greyhound racing and contribute significant funds for the welfare of dogs. Last year alone, our members voluntarily donated over £7m to the British Greyhound Racing Fund for the welfare of greyhounds.BGC Spokesperson, BGC Comments on Welsh Greyhound Racing Ban , SBC News

The BGC is especially disappointed because greyhound racing would be banned outright instead of being subjected to restrictions. While the BGC would no doubt protest any restrictions, they would be better than a full and complete ban on greyhound racing.

The British Horseracing Academy’s Reaction

As for the British Horseracing Academy (BHA), it’s just as shocked by the ban as the BGC. It’s currently looking to work with high-level politicians to gain support and hopefully prevent the ban from going ahead. A spokesperson from the BHA has said this about the ban:

We’re proud of our record on horse welfare and the improvements the sport has made to the safety of our horses. The BHA firmly believes that when animal sport is well regulated it brings unrivalled quality of life and high standards of care for the animals involved. The BHA co-ordinates an active cross-party group for horseracing in the Senedd and will continue to use the group’s expertise as we work to ensure that horseracing retains its high level of political support in Wales.British Horseracing Academy Spokesperson, BHA Spokesperson Comments on Welsh Greyhound Racing Ban, SBC News

While there’s clearly some strong opposition to the ban, there’s a high chance that it will come into effect. The general consensus seems to be that activities such as greyhound racing are frowned upon by a growing number of people, hence the many signatures obtained in the petition.

Lots of other countries have announced bans on greyhound racing, including New Zealand. Wales is the first UK nation to do the same. The question is, could England, Northern Ireland and Scotland do the same?

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James Gibson Author and Casino Analyst
About the Author
James has been working as a freelance writer for over a decade. At first, he never thought he would end up writing about gambling, but then he accepted a job writing about bingo sites and became interested in the subject. He then started focusing on this area and has now built up over seven years of experience and expertise in iGaming content writing.

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